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research links


new brain changes in early Alzheimer's disease

Researchers have discovered new changes occurring in the human brain in the early stages of Alzheimer's disease. The researchers used a multiomic approach to determine RNA, protein, and phosphorylation levels and carried out further neurobioinformatic analyses on them.



Test detects protein associated with Alzheimer's + cte: findings could lead to early diagnosis + better treatment studies

An ultrasensitive test has been developed that detects a corrupted protein associated with Alzheimer's disease and chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE), a condition found in athletes, military veterans, and others with a history of repetitive brain trauma. This advance could lead to early diagnosis of these conditions and open new research into how they originate.


biomarkers for dementia detection + research

Some biomarkers may be part of a diagnostic assessment for people with symptoms of Alzheimer's or a related dementia.



How music therapy can benefit Alzheimer's Disease Patients

Do you have a loved one with Alzheimer's or another kind of dementia? If so, you may be interested to know that music might be able to connect you with your family member in a way that words cannot.

Dementia Therapy + Music

The Institute for Music and Neurologic Function was founded on Tomaino’s observations, together with those of noted neurologist and colleague Dr. Oliver Sacks and others, that many people with neurological damage learned to move better, remember more, and even regain speech through listening to and playing music.

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